Bryce Evans
As a mother, wife, and career law enforcement officer, Bryce Evans deals with a variety of people on a daily basis. With her days packed full of packing lunches, fighting crime, and taxiing kids around, she uses her nights to dream of exotic worlds and intriguing characters and bring them to life.
Her characters are strong, and resilient, but harbor enough heart to make you fall in love with them. Much of the time you'll find her chatting books with her friends on Facebook
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What made you want to write books?
I have always wanted to write books even as a child, I would write little stories in notebooks and slip them in a dresser to never see them again. Eventually, I would throw them away. I could kick myself for not saving those. But I knew I would never have the nerve to go public with them. To be honest, I just didn’t think I had the talent, and nobody would read them if I did. Plus, I was too scared to even try until I spoke to Author Jana Leigh on Facebook.
I loved her books and told her that I have always wanted to write. She asked me to write part of a story that I had dreamed up. You see, we both talked about where her stories came from and I was glad to know that I wasn’t the only crazy person who played out supernatural dramas in their head. So, I wrote a story that I had been thinking of. This half story was called “The Trinity.” I finally got the nerve and emailed it to her. I knew she was going to tell me to keep my day job, surprisingly she didn’t. She sent it back and said, “Now finish it. I like where you are going with this.”
The Trinity (Ashland Pack series) became my first book. However, when I did finish it and sent it back to her she informed me about all the many, many things I was doing wrong. Since then I have been learning as much as possible about writing stories. I will never be perfect, but who is? I’m always trying to get better with each book and on some days I think I might be. Then the little devil that sits on my shoulder tells me otherwise. But I keep writing.
What genre do you write and why?
I write Paranormal Romance. I love stories about shifters, vampires, witches, anything
Supernatural. I love the WHAT IF QUESTIONS? Don’t you? It takes me away from reality into another world of make-believe. I see a lot of bad stuff in my job. This is what takes my mind off the terrible things I have to deal with.
What is the biggest misconception about your genre? What would you tell the naysayers that say all adult books are about sex?
Then read my books. I don’t have a lot of sex in them. In fact, if you read my newest series, The Death Hunters, you will not see any sex in any of them. I want the reader to use their imagination and think about the suspense and mystery of the story. I want you to get to know the characters and ask yourself, what will they do next? Now it will have a lot of sexual tension in them, but no sex scenes. I just found that I like it better.
What do you do in your down time?
Who has any of that? Actually, I write. I love it. If I could retire from law enforcement, I would write all day until my kids come home from school. Then late at night, I would continue to write until my husband says, ENOUGH ALREADY!!! That’s how much I love it. I’m lucky, my husband understands this and is my biggest cheerleader.
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
That some people actually love my books. It still surprises me.
What is something you want to tell your readers?
First, I’m working harder than before and trying to put out more books. I had some health issues in 2017 and 2018 that kept me from writing much. Thankfully, the good Lord allowed me to resurface and find that much-needed passion I had before. So, I’m very grateful for that. Second, I love you all and thank you for allowing me to share my stories with you. I hope you have laughed, cried, but most of all I hope that you keep coming back to see what crazy stories I’ve cooked up in my head. Until then, see you next time in “The Hunter’s Protector.” Book #3 in the Death Hunter Series.